Velvet Crop Top: Ark*, Floppy Felt Hat: Ark*, Velvet Skort: Ark*, Belt: Vintage. Boots: EMU Australia
Well ladies and's officially December! Which means it's totally acceptable to be seriously thinking about Christmas Outfits. Third up on my Xmas party outfit inspiration series is definitely my favourite so far (if you want to see the others you can find them here and here). Hello Ark, thank you for being completely wonderful and fantabulous. This outfit just oozes Christmas time with the rich colours and textures and I just want to wear it everyday in December if that's acceptable? I know velvet on velvet is perhaps considered dangerous territory (a little like denim on denim), but honestly I couldn't give a hoot - I love pairing the two of them together and I think they actually complement each other reallywell!
Ark are one of my favouritest shops – I discovered them afew years ago and have always gone to them for outfits on special occasions.They’re super affordable but their pieces are to a fantastic standard. I’vepurchased my last few Christmas day outfits from them and always get commentson how lovely my dresses are from them :)
So whether you’re already an avid Ark fan like me or you’rejust discovering them, I wanted to give you guys the opportunity to purchaseyour Christmas outfit from them too, with a cheeky little giveaway! I know when it leads up to Christmas somany of your pennies get spent on presents for others, but it’s always nice tobe able to treat yourself to something new to wear too, right? :)
That being said, Ark have kindly offered to give thewinner a £50 credit to spend on any items in their Hearts & Bows range(which is designed by the lovelies themselves).  There are a few requirements below and thenall you need to do is follow the Rafflecopter entries to be in with a chance ofwinning!
  1.       Your item must be from the Hearts&Bows range.
  2.       Entries areopen to the UK only (sorry to anyone outside of the UK, but this is arequirement I     have to follow).
  3.       The giveaway will run for 1 week, to give you plenty of time leading up until your party         shenanigans!
Good luck to you all, lots of love xxx

a Rafflecopter giveaway


