There's something about the summer months that makes us Brits so much more joyful. Lighter, warmer evenings equal frolicking in the park and sitting in beer gardens on a weeknight - it kind of goes without saying that we have more to be happy about.And with that joy comes an element of calm - everything becomes just that little less urgent. We can take a moment, stand, and appreciate what is going on around us - get lost in our own world and thoughts.
And when I let myself stop to think about Summer, I think:

Summer is adventure: Is it just me or when summer rolls around do you feel like could take on the world? I leave my inhibitions, reservations and cautious behaviours at the door. I want to explore the winding path ahead of me, see the world and have as much fun as physically possible.Be somebody nobody thought I could be.


Summer is family and friends: Throughout the year we visit our friends and family - some of us all the time, others less frequently. But when summer rolls around we consciously make that time and that makes me really happy. We all feel like we can book that time off from work because we're halfway through the year (and god knows we've earned it) and subsequently, our mood is lifted because of the people we surround ourselves with more frequently.We didn't realise we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun. - Winnie the Pooh 


Summer is Hayfever: Now as much as I love this time of year it does leave my face as something much to be desired (thankfully we're focusing on the feet in this post!). Pollen is not my friend and so it's a bloomin' good job I really enjoy wearing sunglasses and that there are some many to choose from ;-). And even on the highest pollen count days, I'd still rather walk with my head high in the sun than down in the rain.If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever - Alfred Lord Tennyson


Summer is You, the Ocean and Me: Summer feels like my escape. When we all live such hectic lives it can be incredibly difficult to not get bogged down with the here and now. But when it comes to Summer I make plans. To get away, even if just for a few days, to feel free of responsibility and just be. It clears my head, and allows me to listen to what's really important in a much clearer way.You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it is better to listen to what it has to say. - Paul Coelho 

What does summer say to you? I'd love to know! By uploading a summer picture to instagram or twitter using #SummerSays and the @UGGUK tag, you're in with a chance of winning £500 to spend at UGG! Not a bad way to kick off this sunny spell, eh? Find more details by clicking here

This post is brought to you in collaboration with UGG Australia but all views are my own. I love these sandals and I bloomin' love summer, too.

Photography by me and the last shot by COMB - who are just a little bit amazing. They're the place to go to find the best alternatives for the fashion pieces you desperately want, but can't find. Simply upload a snap of an outfit via their app and they'll find you what you're looking for!

