23rd Birthday Happenings..

I asked on my latest post if any of you yummy lot would liketo be nosy parkers & see what I got up to over my birthday weekend. Thegeneral consensus was ‘yes, please’; & let’s face it, everyone’s a littlebit nosy right? :) I know I am!

It was such a busy, lovely weekend, jam-packed withactivities, & LOTS of walking.
So, prepare yourself for a very heavy photo post…
Firstly, we dropped our bags off at the hotel. 
How pretty isthis building!? It’s St Ermin’s Hotel, in Kensington, so reasonably central :)
We then headed on down to the National History Museum, asthe boy hadn’t been there before. Of course, I found a fox..
Daniel had booked us in for an afternoon tour at the LondonDungeons. I’m not gunna lie, I was CRAPPING myself. I love scary films &books, but when it comes to me being physically involved in an unknownsituation, I freak oooout! It was great fun, but I came out rather sweaty frombeing so tense the whole time haha.
Nandos was the next stop, NOM, we literally wolfed our mealsdown in a matter of minutes, before scuttling off to see MATILDA THE MUSICALwaaaaaaaaa. Never, ever, have I been so god damn excited. I am a huge Musicalfanatic & this has been top of my list for a long time. It didn’tdisappoint on any level; & I think I can quite confidently say, even ifyou’re not a musical fan, that you would love this.

How pretty is the set too?I want to go & see it again, & again. Who want’s to take me? ;)
I was pretty pooped after that day, so it was a quick cheekycocktail & then beddy byes for us. Sunday morning we were up bright &early for a deee-lish breakfast at the hotel..
..before walking to madammetussaudes. I’d never been before, & it was on my London to-do list, so Iwas really excited! The wax figures really are incredible, & the place isHUGE, seriously, you definitely get what you pay for. I’m not sure it’ssomething you’d do more than once in your life, but it’s a great thing toexperience.

Shopping was next, courtesy of the boy ;) If you want to see what I picked you can have a watch of my recent haul video, here.
We then travelled home on the train to get up super earlyagain for THE HARRY POTTER TOUR, que second ‘waaaaaaa!’ of the post! Seriously,it was incredible. Have any of you lovelies been too?


So, that was my birthday weekend in a nutshell! I had such a wonderful time, & as slushy as it sounds, I am very lucky to have such a lovely boy who spoils me rotten.

What's your favourite thing to do in London?


My 23rd Birthday Gifts | Video #3


Outfit Post | Do you like Disco?