Outfit Post | Do you like Disco?

As some of you who follow my twitter willknow, I went away to London on the weekend with the boy, to celebrate mybirthday. It was just a bit special, I literally had the most amazing time, butmy actual birthday wasn’t until Tuesday 3rd; so I thought I would doa wee outfit post for ya’ll to have a nose, of what I wore to my ‘birthdaymeal’.

Dun, dun, dunnnnnnnnnnn, DISCO PANTS! Now,I know that loooads of you will be sat there thinking “ergh, what on earthpossessed her”, & I know that these won’t be to everyone’s taste. But honestly, I really, really love them. Anyway, I like pretending I'm Sandy from Greece, the resemblance is uncanny right? ;) pah.
They are definitely, without a shadow ofa doubt, the tightest pair of pants I have ever owned, but it’s okay to be abit daring now & then isn’t it? :) I hope so. 
Now, at a whopping £70from AmericanApparel, they are a bit pricey. Usually I wouldn’t pay anything near thisamount for trousers/pants; but I really did fall in love with them when I triedthem on. (Plus the boy bought them for my birthday, so that’s even better ;)).There are quite a few shops now offering more affordable copies of these, so it’sworth shopping around if you like them; but you cannot knock the quality ofthese bad boys, they are super sturdy! (No ripping of the bum area when bendingdown, HA). You definitely pay for what you get. I also really like their ridingpants, in the colour Henna. The girl in the shop had them on & shelooked fab!
I paired them with thiscoral 'Angela' blouse. I love the rose gold studded detail, & I’m a huge fan of blouses withcollars. It’s made by Dahlia Fashion, (amazing shop, check it out if you haven't already!), although I actually picked it up in Topshop. I did have a look on both theirwebsites, & I don't think they sell my colour anymore; however you can pick a similar one up here.
My little shoesies are from Camden Market,in London. & I picked them up for £10. You can always find a great bargainthere, and these are of such great quality.
What do you lovely lot think of DiscoPants? Are you a lover or a hater? I’m acutely aware that my first two outfit postsmay be slightly controversial, but hey, I like what I like! :)

If you’d like to see a post on what I gotup to over my birthday weekend, then let me know!

p.s. i've totally just realised that the label is at the front & i'm actually wearing the blouse back to front HA. fail.


23rd Birthday Happenings..


Beauty & Clothing Haul Video