Burt's Bees Grab Bag

So, you mayhave seen a few blog posts floating around recently regarding the Burt’s BeesGrab Bag. I heard about it through Estée from Essiebutton & I immediatelywanted one; I’m like a beauty product magpie, I wan’t anything that anyone sayshalf a good word about! Basically, you paid £20, & in return got sent a bigfat bag, full of Burt’s Bees products! Great concept, non? I think so :)
L-R: Exfoliating Body Washes (4), Radiance Body Lotion (2)
L-R: Eye Cream, Nail File, Lip Balm (2), Hand Cream, Cuticle Cream,Lip Shimmer (3), Cute tin!  : 

I have nodoubt that some bags were wonderful, but I wasn’t too thrilled with mine. Imean, I was being a bit ‘me, me, me’ when I purchased it; I wanted to try outBurt’s Bees, & thought this was a great way to test some of their productswithout spending a fortune. & I know, I know, before I moan, I was awarethat Burt’s Bees had added a disclaimer advising that duplicates may occur; butI couldn’t help feeling a little upset that I got 4 of the exfoliating body washesand 2 of the body lotions (I didn’t mind so much about the 3 lip shimmers &2 balms, you can never have enough lip balms right?). That’s a hell of a lot ofthe same product, don’t you think? But, I’ve decided to take a positiveattitude towards the slight disappointment & use the extras for birthdayscoming up etc. Every cloud & all that jazz.
I wont justmoan for this entire post, promise. I was really, really happy to receive the littlepots of their hand cream & cuticle cream; I’m also super excited to try theeye cream :) I’ve heard great things about all of these products, so fingers crossed! I'll definitely be reviewing these at a later date, once I've had a chance to test them out. Onanother good note, how cute is the little tin? I am a hoarder, of EVERYTHING inlife, so I love collecting pretty little tins to put my bits & bobs in.
Overall, Iam a bit miffed about the amount of duplicate items, but I still feel like I’ve got great value for money, apparently the bags are worth £55, wowee! I’m getting to try some products I haven’t before, & I’vegot some extra stock for presents. Not bad, eh?
I had alook on their website this morning, & I can see they’ve now sold out; but didany of you purchase a grab bag? Were you happy with what you got?

Feeling a bit Floral | Crown & Glory


Sunny Saturday