Sunny Saturday

I know it's a little delayed, butthought I would do a quick post on what I got up to over the weekend. No needto hold on to your seats's nothing too exciting! :) 
This weekend, in my eyes, was thefirst which has felt like a little touch of summer was creeping in. I mean, itwasn’t ‘let’s strip off & run around in our swimsuits squirting each otherwith water guns’ type of weather; but it was definitely an excuse to whip out asummer dress & feed the ducks. My recent summer post actually reminded meof a little dress I loved last year, so I popped that on & off we trotted.
We drove down to a local spot &fed the duckies. Honestly, I have never seen so much bread in my life, it wascrazy. Where did the idea come from that we feed them bread anyway? I’m surethey must get sick of it. Any way, they ate a whole loaf of ours. After that,we headed to the pub for a quick drink before stuffing our faces at nando’s, asyou do. Finished off with a few drinkies in front of the TV, is amazing. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of alcohol. I don’t know,I just don’t really like the taste; which makes it difficult when going outwith friends, or if the boy fancies a bottle over dinner. So when I discoveredthis I was a happy bunny. It just takes like fruit juice, which is perhaps abit lethal in my case; as I’ll happily chug away, probably resulting in copioustrip up’s & saying hello to many a hedge. I also received a ratherlovely bouquet from the boy; I’d had a bit of a crappy week, so this made mevery happy indeedy.
What did you wonderful lot get up toover the weekend? Hope you all made the most of the minimal sunshine, now theheavens have opened again. Ah, England. I love you & your crappy weatherways.
P.S. instagram makes me want aniPhone even more. Stinking Blackberry, why you hate me?

Burt's Bees Grab Bag


GLOSSYBOX April 2012