Hat: Topshop. Jacket: c/o Glamorous. Crop Top: Topshop. Boots: Daniel Footwear. Leggings: Topshop. Necklace: Vintage.
I have a slight problem when it comes to my wardrobe –almost a phobia of wearing the same thing twice, especially when it comes to myblog. To many of you this will sound like the most pathetic thing you’ve everheard, but I’m sure there are a few of you that will be nodding your heads in agreement.However I am starting to realise how utterly stupid this is and am trying myhardest to make the most of my wardrobe.
On that note, you may recognise these leggings! They aremy absolute favourite leggings in the world ever – not only are they black andwhite, we know how much I love monochrome, but they are flocked velvetleggings. Mmm hmm I’m constantly caught just stroking my legs...I bet you thinkI’m joking but I’m certainly not. They don't have them anymore but there's some similar ones here.
It’s only been since the back end of last year that I’veembraced a bit of the ‘leather look’ in to my wardrobe and this jacket has beengiven the big thumbs up from Wonderful You HQ! A regular leather jacket ispretty damn yummy but adding tassels? Genius.
I’m taking nanny home this evening (sadness). I’m verymuch a family girl and I’ve really loved having her at the house with me, shemakes me very happy indeed and I’m going to miss her heaps – but now we haveour own place she can come and stay all the time :)
Also Daniel is home tonight :D yippee! I know it sounds abit silly as he’s only been gone 4 days but we haven’t spent more than a dayapart since we moved in and I have really missed him.
This week will involve me attempting to film a YouTubevideo..I know shock horror! I don’t know why but I’ve had a bit of a vloggers blockand now have the fear to film anotherone. However, I’ve been tagged in a few Summer edits so I’m thinking that mightbe a good place to start :)
Hope you have a lovely week - ciao for now Amigos!

