Hat: Topshop, Cami: ASOS. Blazer: c/o Mina. Wellies: c/o Spats, Shorts: Oh my Love.
Oh hey everyone! Look, it is I, wearing black and whiteagain ;) I mentioned in one of my other posts that I’m not really a festivalgo-er, it’s not quite my cup of tea and a biscuit affair. But I still enjoy thewhole ‘festival fashion’ experience and seeing what everyone chooses to wear. I’malso partial to playing dress-up. So, this is another outfit edition to add tothe ‘what I’d wear should I be on the way to a festival or two’.
I frickin’ LOVE this jacket. The abstract monochromeprint is right up my street and I love how it hangs effortlessly making it theeasiest item to throw on over a pair of, well anything really. Cami’s are myfavourite and although leather shorts aren’t most practical when it’s boiling,they do keep you rather toasty when the sun goes down. Can we all just take amoment to appreciate how absolutely ridiculously awesome these wellington boots are? Firstly, they have poppers. Secondly, the don’t take up your entire leg,making you look like every other person with a welly on at an event andthirdly, inside, THEY ARE FURY. Oh my goodness I’m going to get so much use outof these in my garden attempting to mow the lawn and prune a bush or two (harhar).
Obv, I don’t go anywhere without my hat either.
What’s your outfit favourites for festival fashion? If Iwas to go to any festival it would have to be Bestival...does anyone fancytaking me and bringing me home after a hour? ;)

