It’s no secret to anyone who reads my blogthat I’ve been struggling with my skin for a pretty long time. A number offactors can cause breakouts, whether it be bacteria, excess oil, stress orhormonal changes it makes it pretty tricky for us blemished girlies to control.My skin issues have been a huge confidence knock, they’ve contributed to myanxiety and have really changed the person that I once was – carefree,makeup-free and confident. It’s something that’s really difficult to managephysically and can be so emotionally draining. There have been times when Ihaven’t wanted to leave the house, cried because my face feels so sore and justfelt like there was nothing I could do to help myself.

It’s not all bad news though ladies – whenwe’re faced with such issues we have to find it within ourselves to make themost of what we do have. There’s nothing like a bit of positivethinking to help us on the way, eh? And that’s where Clinique come in...
My first ever blog post was about Clinique’s Anti-BlemishSolution 3 step skincare routine and their spot treatment gel. Nearly 2 yearslater (phew!) and that lovely gel is still a firm favourite in my routine. Inthe time since I last raved about this beauty, Clinique have been working theirmagic to re-brand it to the Anti-Blemish Solutions Clinical Clearing Gel. Thishas always been my spot treatment saviour and recognising their success,Clinique have put heaps of effort in to improving it and boy is it brilliant.
It has a 4-in-1 Clearing Complex that worksto treat current breakouts and prevent future ones. It contains the followingingredients that work together to exfoliate, control oil, un-clog pores andreduce redness: Salicylic Acid (anti-blemish, pores & exfoliation),Laminaria Saccharina (oil-control) and Sea Whip Extract (calming, rednessreduction).
That’s all super lovely, but the mostimpressive part of this re-launch is the fact that the gel can now be used allover the face, as an all over treatment. Yep that’s right, it’s no longer justa direct spot treatment (although of course it can be used as that too). Andafter clinical trials it’s been confirmed that this product deliverseffectiveness as good as a topical for most of us it willmean that trips to the GP might not be as necessary anymore.
Of late my breakouts have been less, but assoon as I have one I apply a thin layer to my entire face, followed with mydaily moisturiser or SPF and within a few hours any redness has been reduced,pain numbed and my pores are so teeny tiny – I can’t explain the joy this bringsme! It leaves my skin feeling fresh, clean and smooth, which is quite the taskwith stubborn skin like mine.I’ve tried pretty much every spot treatmenton the market but none compare to this, it’s the only spot product that canwithstand the test of time on my skin, no matter how many times I reach for it,my skin never seems to become immune. Along with being a holy grail product inmy beauty regime, it's also given my confidence a real boost. There's nothingmore refreshing than waking up in the morning knowing you have a weapon thatwill work wonders against your skin – and being able to use it now as an allover treatment makes it even more wonderful than it already was.

 photo CliniqueLogo_zpscaff32b7.jpgIf you want to get your hands on this beauty the Anti Blemish Solutions ClinicalClearing Gel is available nationwide from 21st March 2014 at

**Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Clinique viaGlam Media.  The opinions expressedherein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions orpositions of Clinique.

