On the train to London!
I am so excited to share today’s postwith you, I almost can’t contain myself.
A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to spend a fewdays filming with the wonderful Clinique.They have a new campaign called #StoryChangers which runs alongside the re-launchof their New Clinical Clearing Gel...I’ll be telling you all about that verysoon, but first I wanted to share with you what Clinique and I have been up to!
The #StoryChangers campaign focuses on the emotional experienceof having blemishes, how it affects our confidence. My battle with my skin hasbeen a tough one, but it’s incredible when you find a brand you can trust, whounderstand the problems blemishes can cause but that more importantly, have asolution. Clinique and I worked together to create a video that shows you toocan change your story and that as a brand they can be a part of that journey.
Behind the scenes!

If you guys want to get involved, Clinique are alsorunning a competition via Twitter. All you need to do to enter is include thehashtag #StoryChangers and share your story/experience around blemish proneskin or confidence for a chance to win 1 of 5 Anti-Blemish kits they’re givingaway! T&C’s are here.

Their foundation was the first I ever used, Their 3-stepsystem was my first ever post blog and they were the first ever products thatactually gave me confidence with my skin to start my blog and reach out toothers who experience the same problems. Needless to say I am a huge fan and this campaign is something veryclose to my heart.
I really hope you enjoy the video, I can’t quite believeI’ve been a part of something so amazing and I feel incredibly lucky andgrateful.
I didn’t think I’d be able to do it, but facing your fearsis worth it when you get to do fantastic things like this and meet suchtalented people in the process.
Thank you to Clinique and Cherry Duck for being awesome –I had a blast!Drumroll....
The Video!!



