Coat: American Apparel (similar here). Leggings: Zara. Top: & Other Stories. Boots: Joules*. Bag: Bagwise*. Glasses: Topshop. Earrings: Chelsea Doll*. Bumble Bee Clips: Little Nell*.
Well how bloomin’ lovely to have the sun shining for once, eh? This weekend was super lovely – I spent it visiting Zoe and we had a jolly good time. Naturally, I took advantage of her skills and made her take some outfit snaps for me ;) (she loves it, honest!).
Even though the weather was so glorious yesterday, I wasn’t quite ready to put aside my new coat – we all know how much I love coats and this one is my new best friend. I’m quite partial to baggy fitting clothes and this number no doubt makes me look like a man, but hey, I’m okay with that. I’ve also discovered the perfect handbag from Bagwise – it literally fits my entire life in it. With three sections, zips and pockets galore it’s any girls dream. I love the green shade and soft leather-like feel – I’m a faff free kinda gal and love simplicity in handbags, so this one ticks all the boxes.
You know I love my basics - leggings, tees and boots but sometimes, when dressing like a boy, one must add a touch of glam and girly-ness. I ruddy love these earrings from Chelsea Doll, they instantly lift this outfit and paired with my beautiful little bumble bee clips from Little Nell I feel like I want to wear my hair up all the time!
Thank you to Zoe for taking these shots and for working her magic on the editing...she’s one clever girly and don't hesitate to contact her to discover all the amazing services she offers <3
Enjoy the sun my loves, keep smiling!
Shop my look:



