Dress: Virgos Lounge. Hat: Topshop. Boots: TK Maxx.

Last night as I’m sure you’re aware, was the long awaitedCompany Magazine Style Blogger Awards. I was so nervous travelling down on myown but thankfully the beauties Katy (Little Winter) and Robyn (Robyn Mayday)were there to meet me at the station and we scurried around London for the bestpart of an hour trying to find the venue – which turned out to be the cutestlittle bar just off brick lane.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt so overwhelmed walking in toa room filled to the brim with amazing bloggers and fashion professionals - Iwas scared to say the least. Of course there was nothing to be worried about, everysingle person I spoke to was wonderful and so friendly. It's great to finally meet people in 'real' life!
Company had put on such a wonderful event with PaulMitchell hairstyling, a D.I.Y sunglasses station and of course the trusty photobooth. Then it was time for the awards presented by the amazing Victoria Whiteand Oonagh Brennan....
I only went and bloody won!!! I felt my face go as red asa tomato and my ears burn to about 500 degrees as I headed up on stage tocollect my award, thankfully no-one booed! I actually can’t believe thatWonderful You was even considered for short-listing let alone winning, it’shonestly made me feel so happy and proud of this little blog and to berecognised by you guys is so amazing – really, thank you x100000000000. I quitehate being gushy but honestly I’m so grateful to anyone who voted. AND a hugecongratulations to Katy for receiving highly commended in Best Duo, Victoriafrom In The Frow for winning Best Personal Style Blog – Newcomer and my fave Becky from milk bubble tea who won best use of Photography! You guys absolutely rock my socks!


I went on to drink probably far too many cocktails anddanced the night away on our imaginary dance floor with some bloomin’ lovely ladies.
Thank you Company Magazine for hosting such a lovely evening and thank you again to YOU amazing people's for giving me the opportunity to even be there.
LOVE YOU xxxp.s. I totally got a fringe ;)



Oh, hey MOM!
