Jumper: c/o The Hut. Boots: Urban Outfitters. Hat: Topshop.


I’m not the girl who has embraced the ombre hairstyle – Ithink it looks great on other people but for me I think I’d just look a bitstupid really. However the ombre theme in every other sense of the wordinterests me immensely – oh how I wish I was talented enough to put together anombre lip...alas I cannot so of course when it comes to clothes I’m all over it.
When the Hut gotin contact letting me know they’re re-launching their women’s wear section ofthe website, I picked this lovely jumper out of their samples and it isliterally the comfiest ever, ever. The material is so soft and well made andfrom the looks of the website it’s hugely affordable too. Unfortunately this jumper isn't yet available to buy but they’ve got acheeky 20% off to celebrate the launch when you enter TREAT at checkout, so gohave a gander – I’ve personally got my eye on the daisy print crop, it’s sopretty!
This weekend I'm going to Oxford to spend time with my nan :) I can't wait - I've missed her loads! What's everyone else up to?



