I’ll be the first to admit, I suck at flat-lay photography - so please bear with me whilst I wrap my head around that part…I’ve only just worked out how to turn the oven on, so we’re lucky to even be here quite honestly.

That’s the reason behind me starting, Wonderful You Eats, actually. I’ve never been a very enthusiastic cook - something to do with the fact that I lack spoonfuls of self-confidence and worry that I’ll probably kill anyone that dares let me in the kitchen.

But when I moved in to my house something changed. I had the desire to look after myself, and eating well fell in to that feeling. However, I have very little patience when it comes to the kitchen and I’m not the kind of person who can tell what spice goes with what vegetable or how to make that rice taste extra scrummy. When it comes to that? Nada. Zilch. I go blank.

Then I signed up to Hello Fresh.

A subscription includes weekly meals, along with recipes and the exact amount of food you need to create it. Basically I don’t have to use my brain.

But I feel like a cook.

Their meals are simplistic, healthy and taste amazing.

So I thought perhaps you’d like to see what I’m eating, maybe? That each week (or so), I’d share a recipe or two - hopefully to give you some inspiration in the kitchen and confirm that quite literally anyone could create these beautiful meals.

First up?


You’ll need (to feed two people, or if you live alone like me, two meals):

Butternut Squash Slices (1 pack)

Smoked Paprika (1 and a half tsp)

Broccoli, florets (1)

Red Chilli, chopped (1/4)

Flat Leaf Parsley (1 small bunch)

Walnuts, chopped (25g)

Halloumi, sliced (1 block)

Honey (4 tbsp)

One large (or two small) baking trays

Frying Pan


Preheat your oven to 210•c (I have a fan oven so opted for 190•c). Place your butternut squash slices onto your baking tray (if you’re using just one large one, keep them to one side of the tray), drizzle over some oil, a pinch of salt and all of the smoked paprika. Give the tray a shake to cover the wedges evenly. Roast in the oven for 30-35 minutes until they’re soft and golden (turn halfway through cooking).

Whilst they’re cooking, chop the broccoli in to mini trees (aka florets) and chop your chilli (TIP: wash your hands immediately and definitely don’t scratch your nose before you’ve done that. THE PAIN IS REAL). Roughly chop the parsley, including the stalks, walnuts too. Cut your halloumi in to slices.

In a small bowl, mix the walnuts with the honey, a pinch of your chilli and the parsley - put it to one side.

You should be about ready to turn your butternut wedges now - whilst you’re doing that add your  broccoli with a drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Pop them both in together to cook for the last 15 minutes.

Heat some oil in your frying pan on a medium-high heat and cook the halloumi slices. They need to be golden brown, turn regularly to avoid burning! This should take about 2-3 minutes on each side. Once they’re golden, move them on to a side plate and add your honey and walnut dressing to the pan, this will warm it through and help to melt the honey.

Layer up the butternut squash with the broccoli and halloumi, then top it with a drizzle of the warmed honey and walnut dressing.


And that’s it!!

I’d love to know what you think of this kind of blog post from me, and whether it’s something you’d like to see more of? I feel so excited about the process of learning to cook and may even delve in to the likes of baking this year, too (god help me).

If you'd like to sign up to hellofresh, you can do so here! Being a member, I also get discounts, like a free first box, so if you're thinking of signing up, holla at your girl and I might be able to give you a code! (Did I just say holla at your girl? I think I might have...)


