Lipstick: MAC Dangerous. Jumper: Stone Union via BritFash. Earrings: Temporary Secretary. Hair Clip: Stone Bridge*

A few months back I wrote about my go-to hairstyle for when I'm mooching around, you know, lazy days? Quite a few of you were interested to know how I achieve it - so I thought it might be quite nice to do a very quick post to show you just that.First up you need a large clip - anything smaller and my hair will just come loose and although it probably doesn't 'look' like an overly pristine do, there's not a chance it's moving! My clip is from Stone Bridge and rather cleverly comes with an internal set of teeth that offers a more secure and reliable hold to your usual clasp - something I would certainly recommend for fellow thick-haired ladies. Not to mention the beautiful silver shell exterior. And don't fret, for those fine-haired ladies there is an alternative that covers you too!So what do I do?I simply pick up my hair as if to pop it in to a mid-way pony tail - instead, I wrap the hair clockwise around itself so that it ends up in half and tuck the excess hair underneath, so that no stray bits are on show. I then simply push the hair upwards slightly, to get a little bit of volume and place the clip just under the bulk of the bun. fastening it in place.Voila, it's a easy as that!


