Hat: Ark Clothing (similar here). Skirt: Urban Outfitters (Similar here). High Neck Jumper: River Island. Boots: My Dress Room

Last weekend was a happy weekend. I traveled down to Surrey to see Zoe in her new pad - we are two peas in a pod, so are naturally both slothlike in nature. We spent the entire weekend relaxing, eating, sleeping and ofcourse, a bit of blogging! It was so lovely to see her and before I headed offhome I thought I’d seize the opportunity of taking a few outfit snaps in herbeautiful area.It made me realise that we've been in our home for 8 months now, which just seems crazy! Soon, we'll be thinking about finally buying it and with property sales on the rise it's something we're very keen to do! I'm quite lucky that Daniel is clued up on these things as it scares me a little, but renting before buying our home was definitely the right option for us. If you'd like to see a post with a little more detail on that, then do let me know :)I did a bit of sale shopping recently (you can see myvideo featuring everything I bought here) and I picked up this skirt from Urban Outfitters - which can I just say I'm completely in love with? However, after posting my video I was shocked to learn that not many of you fashionistas stop by to check out their sales?! UO is renowned for being quite pricey, which I know can put people off - however their sales are THE BOMB. I don't know any other that competes if I'm honest and all of the items are incredible, mostly available in a variety of sizes and are SO affordable. For example, this skirt was £40 originally and I picked it up for £15, which I definitely don't mind paying. So, if you haven't already, make sure you add Urban Outfitters to your sale shopping list, because they kick the other high street brands butts.

That's all.PS. I love black I.D.S.T

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