I’m hoping that going forward, Sunday’s will be my day for sharing lifestyle thingy-m-bobs with you. I’m not promising content every single week as sometimes I just don’t have the capacity, but I loved sharing my Sunday Brunch post with you so thought it would be nice to make it a more regularthing.
Tea: every day consists of it on some level, whether it’s regular, pomegranate green or peppermint I’ll be consuming at least one cup (of each) a day. Today’s preferred choice was peppermint and was made even more glorious by sipping it out of this tea cup and saucer set from Marks and Spencer. I know, when I spotted it in store I was shocked too, it’s so uniquely beautiful I wouldn’t have pinned it for M&S – but I’m sure glad to have discovered it. I picked it up in the sales and it’s currently sold out, but keep your eyes peeled here and you might be able to nab one sometime soon! Daniel and I also spent some time today looking at new cars for the both of us. I've been longing for a beetle since I can remember and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that sometime in the near future my prayers will be answered - a girl can dream, right? Daniel on the other hand has his eyes on a 'kit car'. It's quite an exciting thing, building your own car - but quite scary. I mean if something goes wrong, you want to make sure you're covered! So as well as the cars themselves we've been looking in to the insurance and Footman James, who specialise in kit car insurance are proving to be pretty awesome! can’t go an entire week without chipping your nail varnish, right?

