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What are you doing this weekend? Staying in with a film and a bubble bath? Me too :)
For most 24 year olds it might involve a night at the pub, or going out clubbing - perhaps I’m a little different to the norm, but I’m quite certain that I’m not alone. This post is a little off topic to my typical outfit share, so bear with me! Regular blogging will resume shortly...
When I was younger I used to go out most weekends and wake up the next day with an awful hangover, feeling like crap. I came to the realisation that although this is completely normal for youngsters and a great release for lots of people, it’s not something I find particularly fun.
I’ve never really liked the taste of alcohol, so drinking it has always been a little difficult for me. A glass of wine has never passed my lips and most spirits are off the cards. So why was I drinking just because it was there? Why was I making myself poorly to keep up with other people? Why was I drinking at all? The answer? I have no idea. I guess I assumed it made me look cooler and that I’d stick out like a sore thumb if I was the only one with a plain orange juice in my hand. Wrong.
You don’t have to get sloshed in order to fit in, the friends that are true will be there whether you want to go out on the tiles or stay in and watch Mean Girls. So I made a change, no more pressurising myself to have ‘fun’ – when really, my idea of fun was doing something completely different to drinking alcohol. I’d much rather go out for dinner with my boyfriend and come home feeling fresh for the next day. I’m not overly keen on clubbing either – don’t get me wrong I love to have a good boogie with the girls every now and then, but you don’t necessarily need to stay out until 3am to be seen to have had a ‘good time’ – jees I’m bloomin’  knackered by the time it hits midnight!! ;)
The reason I’m writing all this down here is because I know that some of the lovely people who read my blog might quite appreciate it. Of which there are probably two categories...1. the young ladies who like me, maybe don’t like the taste of alcohol but feel pressurised because it’s how you’re meant to have fun when you’re 18 (says who by the way?) and 2. The ladies who are the same age as me and are feeling like they’re boring because they’d rather have a cuppa than a sambuka shot (you’re definitely not btw). And (potentially) 3. The friends who may have not really understood before, and realise now that maybe it's okay if we miss this night out coming up :)
The real moral to the story is..Do more of what makes you happy. If you feel like you have to do something to feel one of the crowd, don’t.Make that choice to improve your own happiness, and you’ll be surprised at how fulfilling it feels. Of course, I’m not saying there is anything wrong with going for a night out and having a drink – it’s completely acceptable! But I just want more people to feel like there are other options and that you shouldn’t feel pressured to do something that makes you feel pretty crappy. There is nothing more satisfying than making a choice in life that lets you feel better about yourself. So people might ask the question: Are you not drinking tonight? Or: How come you’re driving? And so what if they do? Just because you’re not the majority doesn’t mean you can’t embrace being the minority. We’re still having fun, just in our way.
For those who have found themselves nodding their heads whilst reading’s about a huge bloggers sleepover? Register your interestbelow ;)
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