I thought it was time for a change around here.What a cliché I am – going through a difficult period in my life and suddenly, I’m on my drive home from work realising that I have my 6 weekly appointment to get my red roots touched up and I think to myself ‘shall I just cut it off?’ – everyone likes to reinvent themselves when they feel a bit lost, don’t they? So I guess I’m no exception to the rule. I’d just never even considered going short again, but it popped in to my mind and I took to Twitter to ask your advice, the resounding outcome was GO FOR IT! (apart from my mum, who made it very clear that I would 100% regret it, love you).I gave it all of 12 hours thought and then there I was, telling Amy my hairdresser to go ahead and get rid. She took my ponytail and chopped it off in one chunk, holding it in my hands I was surprised that I didn’t really feel, well, anything really.I thought I’d be sweating, have a little adrenaline at the very least but I was like ‘hey, there’s my hair, in my hand – okay then’.I guess I was just ready for it.The last time I had short hair, I was 11 and for some reason I thought blonde with red highlights (yes you heard right) would be a flattering look – FYI it wasn’t.I basically wanted it in the style of Emma Stone, because: goddess. So the style itself is a blunt, long bob with a tiny graduation from the back to front. I wanted to keep it that little bit longer because I rarely wear my hair straight, so I knew with having it styled curly it would lift it up that extra inch. Plus, taking it too short on my first cut was just that bit too daring for me – maybe next time!So here we are: 8 inches shorter and I'm feeling considerably lighter.I’m so glad I took the leap and it turns out impromptu decisions can work out, sometimes.Here's to the new me.What do you think?! 
a blog post featuring my new hair do. Taking it from long to short!
a blog post of my new hairtstyle. Taking my long hair to short hair in one chop
a blog post of my new hairtstyle. Taking my long hair to short hair in one chop.
Necklace: Muru Jewellery. Jumper: Urban Outfitters. Lipstick: Barry M



