After 4 years of being a red-head I thought it was about time for a change. Not dissimilar to my sporadic decision to chop all my hair off in 2014, I didn't really give it too much thought. I deliberated over a few colours, I knew I wanted something bold, but I didn't want to steer too far away from red that if I absolutely hated the change I wouldn't be able to go back to what I knew.
And so, with that, I decided I'd go orange.Lots of people say to me that the red shade I used to be was an 'out there' colour, but for me it just felt completely normal. Being as orange as an orangutang on the other hand, did not. To say I was nervous would be an understatement - I mean, as petty as it sounds, my red hair had become a big part of what Wonderful You was all about and changing that up felt like a big risk.But like most things in life, if you don't try, you'll never know. There was always going to be a risk of me hating it - and even if I loved it, I knew it would be a little like marmite and not everyone would think it was the best idea I've ever had.Regardless I decided to hit the fuck it button. 


If I've learned anything from the past two years, it's that being unapologetically me is the most brilliant version I've discovered. I don't ever want to be afraid to be who I am, do what I love, speak how I feel. So I guess, perhaps my new hair shouts that louder than I could in public.I'm doing me and guess what? That makes me really, really happy.So of course, today's post is to 'showcase' the new do but also, to include my most recent video - taking you with me on the day I got it done. It was my first time at the George Northwood salon in London and it certainly won't be my last. My hair was coloured by the incredible Amy Fish using Redken colour (she dyed Victoria from In The Frow's hair, so I automatically knew I was in safe hands!) - the process wasn't even at all laborious like you'd expect and the results, considering how little time it took are ridiculously good.From one woman to another, I'm sure you'll understand the fear of going to a new hairdressers. I've always been very protective over my hair, scared to let strangers touch it, let alone change it. But I have to say, Amy has changed my opinion completely. We had an initial consultation, where she filled me with confidence - I said I wanted hair as bright as the woman in the film Fifth Element; and I expected her to tell me it would take a while to achieve but she was so confident that we'd be able to get it first time. She took a strand test just to make sure and I left the salon with my official appointment booked feeling incredibly excited.I think if I have one tip for finding the perfect colourist for your hair, it's feeling confident in their ability. There was no umming and ahhing, she knew exactly what she was going to do and because of that, I think I would've let her do absolutely anything to my hair if she wanted. Throughout my entire appointment she was so excited, which helped ease my nerves (and sweaty palms) too - knowing that someone cares about your hair the way you do is really quite special. My hair was in her hands and she not only did an amazing job of colouring, she made me feel totally comfortable. She is absolutely fantastic.In my video, I explain in detail exactly what process Amy went through to achieve the colour; you can see how attractive I look with a head full of bleach (I didn't realise my hair would swell so much, it looked like a meringue!) and really gage a better understanding of just how dramatic the change is.I hope that you love it as much as I do - it certainly took a few days for me to adjust to it, but I'm so happy with how it turned out.A huge thank you to Amy, the salon and Redken for giving me the hair of my dreams. I owe you guys the world (or at least a really large cocktail). 

