So, I think we have all now established that I HAVE ORANGE HAIR. It's so bright and so far away from anything I've done before, that naturally the double takes from passers by, staring children or even taking myself aback when catching my reflection were to be expected. However one thing I hadn't considered was just how much of a difference a shot of such vivid colour can add to basically anything, even the cleanest, simplest lines.
An outfit of black or white, can come alive without me adding a thing. I've always loved a monochrome palette and I feel this electric shock of headwear is only going to make this obsession worse.
I also hadn't really considered (or should I say the statement that is now my head has opened my eyes to) how pretty much everything you do contributes to your own personal style or brand. Be-it accessorising in the traditional sense, a bag, or jewellery to things you wouldn't usually consider; from the pleasure I take in my decision to basically become a walking version of my blog how I no longer match my little dark red car, Poppy. Personal style stretches beyond what you might think, and hell I'm starting to enjoy thinking about exactly what else I can co-ordinate my hair too.
As simple as it is, my hair has made me realise that actually, the key to a really great outfit is not just about the clothing, it's about accessorising. We don't need to be afraid to wear the most basic pieces in our wardrobes for fear of looking plain - Know that even if you're just wearing a simple, basic dress, an accessory can bring it to life, add a splash of your personality and make an otherwise relatively ordinary outfit, dramatic and fun.
I know that a lot of you comment on my blog posts saying, 'I couldn't ever wear that' or 'that wouldn't suit me' - but really, what you need to think about, is how you can make any outfit work for you. My new accessory is my hair, but yours could be anything from your handbag to your statement jewellery. Experimenting with fashion is half the fun.
Whether you follow the catwalk trends or simply enjoy personal fashion, the one thing it always boils down to is style.
Style goes beyond the wardrobe, beyond the catwalk, it applies to all areas of your life. Being 'fashionable' is something that's become applicable across the board - from our homes (is it pinterest worthy?) to our cars, and the ability to put your own stamp on things is exactly what the new DS 3 is about.
As fashion icon Iris Apfel, once said - "Fashion you can buy, but style you possess".
And that's what I wanted to show you in these photos - that an identical dress, in two different colours, can tell two completely different stories - by simply changing up my accessories, I've made a look that's all my own.
Fashion is unique, and so are you.
Photography by my favourite woman - Alexandra Cameron. Get in touch with her here.


New DS 3 and New DS 3 Cabrio make a winning formula even better. Designed with a clean new look the car is the automotive embodiment of Parisian chic. Beneath its stylish exterior New DS 3 is built on the DS foundations of technology, refinement and attention to detail. From DS LED vision headlights through to 7" touch screen and mirror screen, the car is full of technology to make life easy. Watchstrap design leather seats is an example of the refinement in New DS 3, ensuring that our most compact car meets the exacting standards we demand of every DS. It's also a car with a multitude of options to personalize so the the owner can make the car their very own style statement.Disclosure: Compensation was provided by DS 3 via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of DS 3.

