WARNING: Be prepared to read a pretty hefty post here – and by hefty I mean of epic proportions. Continue...

You may remember a few months ago I wrote about actively making achange with my skin. No more waiting around trying every product on the market,wishfully thinking something would change, when we all knew it wouldn’t. Ispoke about the potential of trying out some treatments, like skin peels ormicrodermabrasion – which, I’m sure you’ll agree is pretty damn scary actually.Do I really want to have my face peeled off? No I don’t. But what I do want isto feel happy and I’ve been learning that I’m the only person who can reallychange that.

Some sort of skin god must have heard my prayers as an email froma rather magnificent lady – Laura-Jane Williams landed in my inbox a few monthslater. Being a blogger I’m fortunate enough to be contacted by PR’s and brandsalike with the view of striking up a relationship and potentiallycollaborating. There are so many that get it wrong, haven’t done their researchand give the same spiel of how ‘wonderful’ they think you are. Not that youaren’t, but hey, I probably don’t want to review electric cigarettes on my fashionblog, y’know? Laura was certainly the opposite and if you want to find out why,just have a look at her blog here. I’m not shy to say that I’m obviously now inlove with her, and I’m sure you will be too.
I digress (sort of), because Laura was contacting me aboutCourthouse Clinics and their acne guide - yep that’s right, an Acne Guide.Reading up on your health issues is a major thing in this day and age, you knowthe one, self diagnosis? But what is difficult to come across issomething you can truly understand, find relatable and actually want to readmore of – and that’s exactly what this guide did, it had me from beginning to end,crying with laughter and nodding my head in appreciation. You must go and read it! Just click here (and make sure you scroll downto about halfway) – when you’ve read it, come back here and we’ll continue.
Done? I know. It’s good right? After reading it I knew that Iwanted Courthouse Clinics to be the people that helped me and my skin. It’sprobably the best thing I’ve ever read relating to acne issues, why? If not forthe relaxed, abrupt and hilarious writing style that instantly puts you atease; it’s for the insanely informative nature and the reassurance thatsomething can actually be done – and of course, the positive message it sends:we should love ourselves!!Pimples or not, we deserve to feel wonderful andif Beyoncé champions it, then it’s gospel that we should be too.
So, like the guide promises I made my way to Courthouse Clinicsfor my free consultation. I felt sick on my journey down – having someone lookat my naked face and tell me what’s wrong with it was daunting to say theleast, but it was something I knew I needed to do. Situated on a quiet streetin London I instantly felt calmer and on arrival, so welcomed. My consultant,Buntie, was the friendliest lady who sat me down and asked me how I was feelingand what my skin concerns were. We then went through a very detailedquestionnaire so she could determine what my thoughts were on my acne and alsoto try and help discover what it actually was that was causing it. The word‘hormones’ reared it’s ugly head and after seeing the panicked look on my faceshe reassured me that all I needed was a simple hormonal balance test – a whatnow? I didn’t even know that existed, but it’s something that you can have doneat your local GP, taking blood samples basically just to see if there’s animbalance causing your skin to go crazy. After that, Buntie told me that prettymuch all my skincare was rubbish – which we laughed about – and that althoughthere might be an imbalance in my hormone’s, causing my constant breakouts, theproducts I was using probably weren’t helping much with my oil control.
We removed my make-up to take a look at the damage we’d beentalking about and it was clear that scarring was my main issue - apologies for the GROSS photo's but I wanted you to have a clear understanding of my skin and what we're trying to get rid of. (Only 4 of those 'spots' are actually live - the rest is scarring).Buntie advisedthat I have the PIRORI Advanced AHA skin peel – a highly effective skinexfoliant that causes dead skin cells to peel and flake off (yummy), makingroom for healthier, new skin to grow. AHAs also work to stimulate collagen andelastin production helping to counteract signs of ageing beneath the skin. Andalthough this peel isn’t hugely invasive, i.e. no actual skin peeling andminimal irritation – it is penetrating beneath the skin so it still requiressome preparation...meaning you can’t just whack it all over your face, you’vegot to get it used to the AHAs first!
That’s when the new skincare came in...Buntie suggested hat I tryout four new products, Vitage Revitalising Daily Cleanse and Vitage Skin Defence SPF 30 to help balance my skin and the PRIORI AHA Barrier Repair Complex andPRIORI AHA Perfection Gel to prepare my skin for the peel. I’m going to be doinga full, separate blog post on these because they’ve completely changed my life –I’m not bluffing – and deserve sole recognition! So, I’ll leave you in suspenseregarding those babies, because, you know, I’m good like that ;)
Buntie then gave me a little facial, using all the products aboveand advising me along the way how I should be using them. She finished off witha mini PRIORI CoffeeBerry Natureceutical peel, to give me a taste of what atreatment might be like. This particular peel is less intense than the AHA, andhas a high level of antioxidants, including plants enzymes, salicylic and malicacid to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles whilst also improving skin tone. It tingled and stung a teeny amount, but smelt lovely and felt reallllllly good.
My appointment had been early in the morning and by the time I’dgot home from London almost 6 hours later, my skin was still completely free ofexcess oil and smooth as a babies bottom (FYI it’s usually swimming within anhour or two). I couldn’t actually believe it, my skin felt incredible. It wasSO free of oil that I even made Daniel stroke my forehead, because obviously it’ssomething he is going to appreciate fully.
Needless to say, I am completely stoked to go back and have my treatment. I’ve been using my new products every day leading up to it and thisweekend, the deed will be done! Keep your eyes peeled for a post coming soon that will cover the peel itself and the results it achieves. Let's hope the 'after' pictures are show an improvement!
Oh, I also went to the doctors about my hormone's, and  guess what? There was an imbalance, so I’ve changed up my contraceptive pill which should help tosort it out (potential post on that coming up). It just goes to show, if you don’task you don’t find out and it's worth remembering that even when you think all hope is lost, there’sstill a light at the end of the tunnel.
I couldn’t recommend Courthouse Clinics anymore if Itried. From amazing customer service to treatments that actually make adifference it’s been such a fantastic experience so far. I’m really so excited tohave my peel, and share the outcome with you guys.
If you’re having concerns with your skin like I was, make sure you read the acne guide, take a trip, have a free consultation (in their many practices over the UK) and justsee what they have to say. It’s incredible what a difference it can make toyour life. It’s been such a confidence boost for me and I’m hopeful that it’sgoing to help change things for good.
Thank you, Courthouse. My face and I love you, very, very much.
*Although this post was sponsored, all thoughts are my own and I am so grateful for the experience*

