My Christmas Party Make Up Routine

Happy Sunday my lovelies! 
This weekend has been a rather fab one. Friday I received my Photography course results and passed with Distinction! I was so happy I definitely did a little dance at work. I worked my little tooshy off to get a good final project so I'm really happy that I managed to get the grade I did.
I also received my first feature in a local magazine about Wonderful You - a three page spread! I KNOW - I nearly died. I think I'll pop a little post up showing you guys, that's if you want to see it :)
Lastly - I went out on Friday night and used an old handbag that's been gathering dust over the past few months. It only had a bloomin' £10 note in it! (it's the small things, eh?)

Anyway - following on from my mum's birthday party a few weeks ago, I got a few questions on my make-up for the evening....

I thought I would film a little video on how I wore it that night. I've been in hiding from YouTube for a while. My skin has gone mental again so I've felt a bit self conscious, it's still not great but i've decided to just suck it up :)

Hope you enjoy and have all had a wonderful weekend! 


My Day Time Winter Make-Up


NOTD | Christmas Nail Art