NOTD | Christmas Nail Art

Firstly, I would like to apologise for my absence on here over the past few weeks. I had some family issues that obviously take priority and now all is well I am back! Yay :)

So, If you’ve been readingmy blog since the beginning (it wasn't that long ago – only April. Wowee how time flies when you're having fun!) you mighthave seen my post about my favourite little nail sticker company – Jan Christie. The stickers I bought had foxes on them so of course it was love atfirst sight. When the lovely ladies there asked me if I fancied a fewChristmassy ones I just couldn't say no.

Red Squirrel with Santa Hat
Santa with Christmas Tree
How cuteeeeeee are they?! I'm particularly fond of the Squirrel!
The stickers work beston a lighter coloured polish, or if you fancy it just plain nails. Personally Ialways prefer to have a bit of polish on my nails and I wanted to show you how they show up on a really light polish along with a slightly darker one. 
It’s just the simplest and mostaffordable way to add a little something extra to the way you do your nails.I’ve always been a bit cack-handed with nail art, so these little stickers areperfect for me. You literally just peel them off the sticker and place them onyour nail – I find it easier to use a pair of my tweezers to place them on thenail to give more accuracy (I did say I’m cack-handed remember), but I think itwould work just as well with your fingers with a steady hand :)
At only £1.80 per sheetyou cant really go wrong – you get enough in one packet to cover both hands instickers with a few left over so it doesn't matter if you go wrong, or if youwant to do the same look again. I apply a top coat every other day and they've lasted me over 2 weeks, which is pretty impressive.
My favouritist bit about the company is you can send them your own animal pictures to have a unique sticker, tailored to you. And because the ladies areso wonderful, they've offered you guys a little deal. If you purchase 4 or more ofany of their range and add my blog name: Wonderful You in the promo code you’ll get anotherset of their choice free! I hope you lovely lot are going to take advantage of this, and do let me know what ones you pick!

What do you think of nail art stickers? Have you tried them out yet?

p.s. sorry for my dry hands in the Santa shots - the cold is really getting to them this year!


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