I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions – I like to think that if I’m going to achieve something, I’ll do it regardless of what time of year it is. That being said, I have promised myself that going forward I’m going to take more time for me, to relax and indulge in some pampering.
Since we moved in to our first home, apart from being completely wonderful and just what I had hoped, it’s been literally exhausting. I know it sounds silly, but I’m quite a lazy person and food shopping, cooking, cleaning, working full time and blogging (pretty much full time) as well as finding time to spend with Daniel and socialise with friends has really taken it out of me.
When I sit down at the end of an evening my body aches and I just feel a bit rubbish really. Obviously, this isn’t something I can change, being an adult is awesome in many ways, but crappy in others and I just need to suck it up and stop being such a baby. I am however, going to make sure I take one evening each week to have some ‘me’ time.
For the past few weeks (usually on a Thursday), I’ve been doing just that. After all of the necessities are taken care of, I run myself a bath, light a candle, pop on Kate Nash and close the bathroom door.

 In my bath, along with the usual bubbles, I’ve been using the Sweet Orange and Frangipani Bath Soak from Conscious Skincare and following with their body butter afterwards. There’s something strangely satisfying about using products from the same range in my body care routine and these two are absolutely glorious. The sweet orange scent just makes me feel happy and the frangipani essential oils help to relax, calm and release any stress.

Conscious Skincare are an organic brand, which are totally free of synthetic preservatives and parabens, which is refreshing and wonderful both at the same time. The bath soak is gorgeous, and works as an almost oil consistency to fill the bath with a heavenly scent – there’s no frothing or bubbles with this, which proves the lack of nastiness in it. The body butter is on a whole other level though. I can’t quite explain how absolutely amazing it is and how much you need to have it in your life. In the pan, I must admit, it doesn’t look hugely appealing – but when I popped a little in to the palm of my hand I couldn’t quite believe it. The soufflé consistency immediately melts away on impact and leaves a beautiful, oily butter that glides on to the skin and provides intense moisturising. It’s definitely a luxurious product, which I would only personally use in the evenings as the oil based consistency doesn’t absorb into the skin immediately. I've also been struggling with getting to sleep recently and the calming effect it has, has been a massive help.
I’ve also been looking in to little spa breaks or treatments at local beauty resorts and have stumbled across The Beauty Manor – which is nearby to my local area. I’m tempted to save a few pennies (that otherwise would be spent on another pair of boots) and have a monthly/quarterly treat. They have incredible packages that include multiple treatments, a complimentary lunch and relaxation rooms starting at just over £80, which actually seems really reasonably priced! I think it’s so important to take time for yourself, be it a treatment or just a simple pamper evening at home – taking a few hours to let yourself relax and unwind is so important to helping us feel happy and good about ourselves.
What are your thoughts? Is pampering something you make the time for?

