Hat: Topshop. Jumper: Stone Union via Brit Fash. Dress: Chi Chi*. Belt: Vintage. Bag: Nica Handbags*. Boots: Kurt Geiger via ASOS.
Sometimes, I will find the prettiest dresses that I lookat and think to myself ‘when will I ever wear it?’. I’m not one for dressing uptoo often, heels are a rarity and beautiful dresses are saved for special occasionsor the odd night out. But I suddenly came to the realisation that some prettydresses can be dressed down. Why shouldn’t we make the purchase just because it’sseen as a ‘going out’ dress? Instead, I opted for this dress, something I’d usually pick upand put back down again, teamed it with a baggy jumper, boots and my floppy hatand I think the mix of casual and pretty actually work quite well.
It's also no secret that I love my handbags (obviously, I don’t have a wardrobefull...ahem), but I’ve been on the hunt for the perfect tan bag to add to my collectionsince, well, probably birth. I’m not one for teeny tiny bags, I like somethinglarge that’s sturdy and going to fit all my crap in it but look cute whilstdoing so. And then I found this beauty...The floral embossed detail sets it apart from most on the high-street and the detachable strap means I can take it from practical to chic in seconds.The most brilliant part though is that it is extra secure, with the satchelflap fastening and a zip closure under the tab. I’m forever having things fallout of my bag because it seems that no-one wants to put zips on anythinganymore! Anyway, I’m waffling, but to be frank I really, really ruddy love it.
Also - hello new Kurt Geiger booties, I love you, with every inch of my feet & more.
Do you ever dress down party dresses? What do you thinkof this look?

