WARNING: If you aren't one to appreciate ALL the feels, switch off now!

The blogosphere is huge, wonderful and full ofopportunity – I love it and all that it is. And nearly two years ago I made apretty special friend because of it. In the grand scheme of things, two yearsisn’t really very long is it? But I know that I’ve made a friend for life inMiss Zoe Newlove and if you read my blogfrequently, she won't be a stranger! But just in-case you’re unsure, you can find her here.

First and foremost this post is to say thank you to Zoe,but it’s also to share and show the level of positivity and amazing things thatblogging can bring. There’s a fair bit of stigma that goes with fashion andbeauty blogging; what with the catty lash backs of PR samples and untouchablecliques along with many others (the list goes on), and we’re all very quick(myself included) to focus on the negativity of certain situations. So what,you’ve had one negative comment on a recent post or video, aren’t the other 10comments completely lovely? Yes they are. So I just wanted to take a moment onmy blog, to share my belief, that blogging brings so much positivity to my lifeand has definitely changed it for the better in many ways. And Zoe is one ofthose reasons.
So here’s 10 reasons why she is completely, utterly and ridiculouslyawesome:
1.      She acceptsthat I hate cheese, and doesn’t judge me for it (much).2.      She iscompletely selfless, in every situation.3.      She inspires me and gives me confidence.4.      She isimpulsive and not afraid of change or challenges.5.      She’d ratherstay in and have pizza with me than go out and get legless.6.      She listens,cares and talks just as much as I do.7.      She understands– everything.8.      She stops mebeing negative and provides a positive solution for the shittiest ofsituations.9.      She can’t cook.She burns baked beans – this makes me feel better about myself.10.    She is there.Always. And sometimes, knows me better than I know myself.
My list would go on for a million years, but that wouldbe weird, cringey and probably unnecessary for a blog post – so I’m sure youget the gist!
I’m one of those girls who doesn’t have 100+ closefriends because well, if I’m honest, it takes quite a lot for me to actually let someone in and for me to invest my trust in them. I don't know, I just prefer to keep in my safe bubble of friendships, to avoid being hurt :) So Miss Newlove, I hope you feel privileged;) mwahaha.
That being said, the past few years have seen huge highsand crappy lows for the both of us and through every single one we've had each other there for support. Whether we need to dance crazily because something amazing hashappened or need a shoulder for a massive cry, she's been the one I will turn to. And I can't thank her enough for that support. Idon’t know anyone that is quite like her – who’s experienced the lifeexperiences she has, supports people in the way she does and genuinely caresmore than anyone I’ve ever known.It's funny really, thinking that our friendship began over the internet, with a simple string of emails talking about how awful my skin was being and Zoe - the master that she is, trying to comfort my woes with her knowledge. From that very first email I kind of just knew that we would get on famously, and I wasn't wrong. It's an odd and wonderful thing when you 'click' with someone and that's exactly what happened with us. It's odd to think of a time before our friendship, because it feels like I've known her forever.
Thank you, blogging, for introducing me to one of thebest friends I will ever meet. And thank you Zoe, for being you and making lifea happier place.
Of course, I have lovely best friends that I've known my entire life that are wonderful too, but this post is meant to be a reminder that blogging can bring amazing things, so takethe chance, step out of your comfort zone and grab those opportunities; don't be scared –because it could result in another Zoe, which would be pretty awesome, no?
If you fancy getting to know here a little better, (you really, really do) take a visit to her blog, or send her a tweet!LOVE YOU, ZO xxx

