Today’s post is a new one from me – my first press trip as a blogger. I love to travel and 2015 saw me explore the world in ways I’d never done before. With that being said, I was determined to have 2016 follow a similar vein, and it was like the universe was listening when an email landed in my inbox inviting me away to Lanzarote.
I wasn’t sure what to expect from a press trip, but this one had 9 other bloggers, a jam-packed three-day itinerary and I, was excited – this was a big deal for me.
I was nervous though, spending time with so many people that I don't know, in a pretty intense situation was going to be a challenge for me. I'm, for want of a better word, a little socially inept. I find it hard striking up conversations with new people and I suffer quite badly with anxiety. But I wasn't about to let that get in the way of me exploring a new place.
I do have to be honest though and admit that Lanzarote wasn’t an island I had on my travel bucket list – with the nickname Lanzagrote and a party place stereotype attached, I just didn’t think it would be for me.
I stand corrected.
I couldn’t have been more wrong and hopefully you’ll feel the same once you’ve read this post.
So let's get down to it. What can you do in Lanzarote?It's a Spanish island, right off the coast of Africa (so expect it to be packing some serious heat) and makes up the trio of the canary islands, including Tenerife and Gran Canaria.
There's definitely options to just totally chill on this island, but today's post won't be about that. I'm here to speak to all you go-getters. The ones who want to explore every inch of the island and make the most of your time there, no matter how long you're visiting.
1. Timanfaya – National ParkI think this will be the only time where my feet are firmly placed on planet earth that I’ll feel like I’m actually on Mars. With a ‘martian’-esque landscape it’s clear to see why this is such a hot spot for tourists – it’s like a whole other world.The Montanas del Fuego were created when over 100 volcanoes erupted, devastating the area but leaving such beauty in its path. The centuries old lava fields make up this epic landscape and whilst the volcano is still active it is a safe place to visit and 100% worth the trip.Whilst you can’t roam around freely throughout the volcanoes, you can participate in a free coach tour as part of your (again, free) entry, see demonstrations on just how active this volcano still is with mini geysers, and take some incredible landscape photos from the restaurant viewpoint area (where you can totally have a BBQ cooked over the volcano heat too...yeah, I know). It’s just absolutely breath-taking.



 2. Mirador Del RioMy personal favourite had to be this viewpoint. Standing at 475 metres high the views are like nothing else - the turquoise sea and the brilliantly blue sky blend in to one and the solitary island that separates the two makes for a crazy beautiful setting. With enclosed viewpoints including a café and gift shop, you can spend as long as you want taking in the sights – although you don’t want to miss the insane view from the very top in open air; you'll feel like you're literally on top of the world.



3. Cueva de los Verdes A lava tube, stretching over 6 kilomotres above sea level was created around 3,000 years ago after an eruption from a nearby volcano; in its wake it left this stunning attraction. It’s now illuminated by colourful lights and contains a concert hall – but at one point, the people of Lanzarote would hide in the cave to protect themselves from Pirates…pretty cool, no? It's one of those places you definitely have to experience first hand to see just how impressive it is.

4. El Golfo 

Another stunning sight (and one you can see in action on my video here) was El Golfo, a beach of pebbles and black sand with a Cliffside lagoon. Made up of trapped sea water turned green from the algae, it really is startlingly beautiful and offers a calming juxtaposition to the aggressive sea beating at the cliffs on the other side.





Sightseeing is great, but lets be honest, food is everyones priority on holiday. We ate at some fantastic seafood restaurants, but my favourite had to be Casa Torano. Situated right on the sea, we watched the chef catch the fish for our meal out on the rocks, feeding the surrounding stray cats any unwanted bits and even letting me hold one (fish, not cats) (and not without major squirming may I add). The food was delicious and the setting was really lovely, a perfect spot for lunch or dinner.





Everywhere we visited was in truth a ‘tourist’ spot, but I was genuinely surprised at how calm and peaceful each place felt. Nowhere was cramped or overrun, in fact I remember thinking whilst looking out on to volcanoes or sea how relaxed I felt.And regardless of all the amazing places we visited, what really makes a trip is the people you share it with. I was given the opportunity to do something wonderful whilst facing my fears head on, and I'm so glad I did. I made real, true friends on that trip. They accepted me being petrified of flying and moaning about my sun burn. They drank too much honey rum with me and stuffed their faces as full as mine with paella. We spoke for hours over cava in our apartments bedrooms and I left feeling like I'd made friends for life.It goes to show that when you step out of your comfort zone, not only do you get to make new friends, but you break down barriers so you feel braver in those situations next time.So thank you, Thomas Cook Airlines, for making this trip a reality. For arranging such a thorough itinerary for us to see all the sights the island had to offer. And for putting together such an outrageously wonderful group of people to share it with.I can safely say, if you're looking for a holiday this summer that's full of sun, sites and sea, Lanzarote is where you need to be (apparently it turns you in to a poet too). And Thomas Cook Airlines offer incredible deals on flights, so last minute trips aren't an issue, either.Have you ever visited the island? I'd love to know what you thought, or which of these four were your favourite!Until next time Lanza, you total babe.


