On Wonderful You, I like to talk about vagina’s.

Not in some weird, inappropriate, creepy way - but y’know, just chat about them. Because for some reason we all feel it’s a bit of a taboo subject.

‘Did she just say vagina?!’

‘She can’t have, that’s not very ladylike, is it?’

Except, DUH, it totally is. Because we’re ladies and we have vaginas.

We were given the amazing ability to push little babies out of them - our bodies were made to create another human life and so it’s obvious that we should want to look after them as best we can, right?

Apparently not.

Because we’re all absolutely petrified (or nonchalant) about going for a smear test.

What even is a smear test, anyway and why do I need one? I asked myself the same question.It’s a process that involves a nurse taking a sample of cells from your cervix, that will later be tested under a microscope to test for any abnormalities that could later turn in to cancer. Sounds kinda gross, huh?

But did you know that Cervical Screening prevents 75% of cervical cancers developing in the UK, yet 1 in 4 women do not attend cervical screening when invited? And around 3,000 women in the UK are diagnosed with Cervical Cancer each year.

That is crazy high figures.

And I don’t want to be all preachy and act like I know it all, because, well I was in the same boat too.

I've spoken a lot about my experience on various channels, but let me give you some background just in-case.

I received my first invitation (pah, like it was a date for afternoon tea with the Queen or something) for Cervical Screening on my 25th birthday and I ignored it for a year. Like I was invincible or it didn’t really matter. Except it really, really did.

When I eventually attended, it wasn't half as bad as I imagined. It's a little embarrassing and doesn't feel good, but honestly, it's absolutely worth the cringing for the peace of mind you'll get afterwards.

 A blog post on the importance of going for a smear test, raising awareness and becoming an ambassador for Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust. 

My smear test came back a few weeks later with abnormal results - and the letter I received from the NHS scared the absolute crap out of me. I had HPV and Dyskaryosis, which at the time meant absolutely nothing to me except for the sirens ringing in my head saying to me ‘Well, Megan, you’re basically dead’. The clinical sheet of paper wasn't comforting, lets put it that way - and it would’ve been easy to throw the piece of paper away and forget I’d ever seen it. But I knew that having taken the steps to actually go and have the smear test, I needed to follow this up - it would’ve been foolish to do anything less. Those cold, impersonal words the NHS used, meant I basically had a bit of a virus and some abnormal cells they needed to investigate. I found that out through google and discovering Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust - a charity that provide information you can understand. It wasn’t actually as awful as the words the NHS used made it sound.

I had a biopsy for further tests to check exactly what was going on, which was a little invasive and quite full-on for a Monday morning, but was over before I knew it. I left with an achy tummy but a hopeful heart.

The results took a couple of weeks and when I returned from my pre-booked holiday there they were waiting for me, a nice little welcome home gift from the vagina police.

It wasn’t great news. I had pretty advanced abnormal cells that required a procedure called LLETZ to remove them - they’d give me local anaesthetic and use a thin, low-voltage electrified wire loop to cut out the abnormal tissue. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared, I mean that sentence is enough to turn anyones stomach, no? But I wanted to be better and I certainly didn’t want to leave it to get worse. I attended on the date they’d given me and with my bare legs strapped high in the stirrups and iodine sprayed on my cervical wall I was told ‘NOPE’.

Apparently the biopsy hadn’t shown just how advanced my abnormal cells were, and that actually I’d need an operation with general anaesthetic to remove them instead.

I was sick to my stomach with worry, but everything went smoothly - recovery was longwinded and painful but 100% worth it.

And just a few months ago I went for my follow up smear, to see if they’d captured all the bad cells.


I had the all clear - which meant my next smear test would be in 3 years time; and that I was, essentially, healthy.

So, I had a few weeks of my life feeling a bit shitty, but those few weeks prevented me getting cancer - they literally saved my life.

I’m not here to make light of the fact that smear tests and what could come after them aren’t hella scary. Of course they are - and everyone’s experience is unique.But what I am here to say is, that going for one, being uncomfortable and embarrassed for that little timeframe is so worth it. Because it's basically a matter of life or death and I know which team I wanna be on. It's so important to remember you’re not alone, we’re all in this together ladies - and it’s something we should all be taking more time to talk about.

If I hadn’t attended mine, this story could be written very differently. Perhaps I wouldn’t even be writing it at all.

So please, don’t put it off, book yours today.

 A blog post on the importance of going for a smear test, raising awareness and becoming an ambassador for Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust. 

As Winnie the Pooh once said: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

And that’s why I’m so excited to share today’s post with you - I think, actually, it’s the most excited I’ve been to share anything on Wonderful You.

Because Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust have asked me to be an official Ambassador for them.They are the only UK charity dedicated to Cervical Cancer and provide a hub of information, emotional support and a 24 hour service. I’ve taken advantage of their helpline to talk through worries post-op, used their forums to see what other women are experiencing and read through their brochures to understand my body better. It goes without saying then, that it is the greatest honour to be apart of what this amazing organisation does for women. I'm sat here pinching myself, because I can't quite believe that I get to be involved with something so wonderful.

I’ll be helping to raise money, attending events hosted by Jo’s and hopefully raising lots more awareness, too. Keep your eyes peeled for other projects we have coming your way, ladies. It’s going to be a really exciting journey.

And you can help spread the word, too.

This week, 13th-19th June, is Cervical Screening Awareness Week. There are so many ways to contribute in raising awareness - you could display or distribute information wherever feels right, the women’s toilets at work, at university or in your GP surgery. You could organise an event to fundraise or share your story, too.What an exciting time to be alive. To be celebrated for being open and honest about our bodies. To feel proud to do so.

Together, lets help change those crappy statistics, lets see every woman attend her smear test and get the treatment she needs and deserves.

Because it just goes to show, doesn’t it? That being vulnerable and brave with ourselves can be so rewarding - in more ways than one.And I owe all my thanks to my vagina, she's given me an opportunity to have a voice, even if she did give me a bit of a hard time in the process ;-)

To get involved, you can download marketing material here or order them here

Alternatively, catch Jo’s team here:

Tel: 020 7250 8311 or email: info@jostrust.org.uk

Photography be the absolutely amazing Alexandra Cameron.

 A blog post on the importance of going for a smear test, raising awareness and becoming an ambassador for Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust.


