Wake up and smell the roses.
Or in this case, the beautiful purple blooms.
Settling in to a self-employed lifestyle has been one of the biggest challenges of 2016 for me. It’s not all instagram flatlays and clothing hauls, contrary to popular belief.
Right now, I think I might be the busiest I’ve ever been and the demand for content, on a super quick turnaround is higher than ever. As bloggers, we create (hopefully) amazing, inspiring, beautiful content; that’s why brands come to us, right? We deliver the goods because we know how to reach our audience and we do it well. I don't think we should feel ashamed to say that, either.
I'm really proud of my little website and every time an opportunity for a project pops up in my inbox I get butterflies in my tummy and can’t contain the massive grin taking up the entirety of my face, I love what I do. But of late it’s been a little dampened by the fact that the timeframe to get it all done is inexplicably tight. Like there’s almost a little misunderstanding for how much time we need to get the work done to the best of our ability.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m always incredibly grateful that I get to work with anyone in a professional sense on my blog - that I’m taken seriously enough to make this my job is, without doubt, a total honour. But it’s hard. It’s hard and it’s been getting me a little down.
And then I woke up today and realised.
It’s me. I’m the one who needs to make the adjustment, not anyone else.
Manage my own expectations a little better.


I need to be comfortable with the fact that sometimes I’ll be insanely busy. I’ll be pulled from pillar to post to meet deadlines and feel like a used dishcloth by the time I’m out the other side - But that when I’ve weathered the storm, and the sense of achievement for what I’ve created has washed over me, there will be the quiet. You know, that time where I always feel guilty for having an extra 30 minutes in bed, or taking some time out to see my nan; because: workworkwork. When actually, they’re the hours I should relish - allow myself down time and relaxation that’s 100% deserved because I busted my balls to make something amazing for the job I absolutely love.
I woke up and smelt the roses when I realised I could simply embrace the busy - I could open my arms to the chaos and that actually, it was within my control, not anyone else’s.
I *want* to work on amazing things, heck I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t, and if that means that sometimes I feel pressure, well actually, that’s a bloody good thing.
I didn’t do this for an easy life..
I did this to show the world, and myself, that I’m capable.
So here’s to riding that wave, and embracing every second. 

 Photography by West Creative.


